Welcome to the Canadian HealthCare Administrators
Providing Tax Free healthcare benefits to individuals and corporations through third party administration.
- Companies can provide healthcare benefits to their employees with "before tax dollars" rather than "after tax dollars."
- Employees can receive these healthcare benefits TAX FREE!
- As an employee, you can be reimbursed for all eligible healthcare expenses and not have that benefit added to your income for tax purposes.
- As an employer, you can provide your employees with tax free benefits and receive a deduction for every dollar you pay to provide that tax free benefit.
To relieve yourself of all the day-to-day administration that is involved in adjudicating healthcare claims for your employees call:
Canadian Healthcare Administrators
at 587-437-9028.
How do I start a plan for my company and employees?
- Print and fill out a Company Application form.
- Print and fill out an Employee Application form for each employee.
Mail these forms along with your cheque for the registration fee to:
Canadian Healthcare Administrators, Inc.
Unit 173, 2750-55 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6L 7H5
You will be enrolled immediately upon receipt of the application.